Thursday, October 13, 2011

Both the left and right really sadden me

I see more and more hate hurled at the TEA party by the left and dismissal of Occupy Wall Street as a bunch of lazy hippies being paid to camp by the right. Both movements have valid points. The government is too big. Anyone who thinks the government is out to help them is a big idiot. Government is the most corrupt inefficient organization on the planet. I know I worked for them. There are a lot of good people working in the govt. offset by a bunch of worthless lazy idiots who aren't fired because their bosses are too lazy to go through the steps to fire them. So then a new boss comes along, notices they haven't been promoted in awhile and promotes them. I saw first hand how management sat around and did nothing or went to play at the bar for lunch and never came back. The government wastes billions if not trillions of dollars every year but the left just loves to trot out more needs to spend on. Most of them are wants and ridiculous wants at that. A small targeted government would make our country more efficient and less wasteful.
Occupy Wall Street has a point as well even though they aren't really sure how to make it yet. Corporate fat cats are holding on to billions of dollars in company and personal wealth. How can trickle down economics work if nothing is trickling down, its just sitting in someone's bank account or in stock. Most of the wealth of the people of the United States in concentrated in the hands of a very small few. They are not spending or putting any of this money to work or they wouldn't continue to be on the list of the wealthiest people. Its also more important to prop up their share prices rather than put people to work. Is a little piece of paper that could be shredded in an instant really more important than 1000s of peoples lives? Obviously the answer is yes.
Start thinking for yourselves people and stop listening to what some moron in a political party or some wacko who is left or right is spouting. Look at the ideas that are being put forth and not whether something is affiliated with one side or the other.

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